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Title. Double click me., has been the leading dealer/distributor for StruXure Outdoor in the Dallas/Ft Worth area since 2013. Let us create your outdoor oasis today. You can relax and enjoy your outdoor space come rain or shine. The louvers on the StruXure Pergola X can be adjusted 170 degrees making it possible to have shade on your patio and still have the sky above. The louver adjustments are as easy as a simple touch on your remote control or with your Somfy MyLink WIFI app on your smart phone or tablet device. The Somfy rain sensor is standard on all our installations so you do not ever have to worry about closing your louvers, it does it automatically for you with the first few drops of rain. The StruXure Pergola X System can be configured to cover just about any space you create, it is offered with a beautiful selection of durable UV resistant powder coating colors that come standard, and it is a perfect choice to replace that non-functional wooden pergola top that you now wish you had never purchased.
CoverMyPatio.Com installers are factory trained professionals and have installed hundreds of the StruXure Systems since 2013.     

                            Completely Extruded Aluminum System





It's lightweight

Aluminum weighs less by volume than most other metals and materials.

It's strong

Aluminum profiles can be made as strong as needed for most applications.

It's non-corrosive

Aluminum does not rust.

It's resilient

Aluminum combines strength with flexibility and can flex under loads or spring back from the shock of impact.

It's reflective

Highly reflective aluminum can be used to shield products or areas from light, radio waves, or infrared radiation.

It's non-combustible

Aluminum does not burn and, even at extremely high temperatures, it does not produce toxic fumes.

It's recyclable

Aluminum retains a high scrap value. It can be recycled indefinitely without losing any of its superior characteristics.

It accepts finishes

Aluminum can be finished with a variety of common techniques, including liquid paint, powder coatings, anodizing, or electroplating. Because of the durability and beauty, StruXure has chosen to use only a premium baked-on Powder Coating on all exposed surfaces. Also available are powder coating wood grain finishes at a nominal upcharge.

All extrusions are manufactured following Aluminum Association tolerances and they meet rigor0us ASTM standards.




At StruXure Outdoor there is a simple philosophy – if it can be done, it will be. Here, truly amazing designs can be created to meet your exact requirements, however demanding, unusual, or even eccentric. It's our desire to make your already unique louvered patio cover a one of a kind. With so many options and limitless possibilities how do you know where to begin?


Every StruXure Pergola X System can be adapted to enhance practically any architectural style. The system has been engineered and designed to allow for a completely customizable installation which can include the addition of:


  • Ceiling fans
  • Accent and Mood lighting
  • Custom colors plus wood grain powder coating that looks and feels like real wood
  • Wood wrap for post and beams is also an option
  • Custom columns
  • Roll Screens for wind, sun, rain and UV protection, available with or without marine vinyl window inserts
  • Pergola end cuts and decorative post base and cap covers
  • Curtains/Privacy walls
  • Because of our experience we can offer suggestions for Infrared Heaters, Ceiling Fans, TurboCool Heating & Misting systems plus direct and indirect LED light fixtures. 
  •  StruXure's ILouver Technology is built around it's new partnership with SOMFY the world leader in automatic controls for openings and closures in homes and buildings around the world. The SOMFY partnership includes Smart Motors, Rain and Wind Sensors, Wireless Switches, WIFI Power Supplies and Remotes and a full WIFI App.
  • StruXure has introduced this year (2020) the Trax System which is designed to enhance the options for lighting along the posts or under the overhead beams of any new Struxure Pergola X or even older systems previously installed.  


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